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Volume 10, issue 02
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ISSN: 2274-0422

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3D models related to the publication: Early Oligocene chinchilloid caviomorphs from Puerto Rico and the initial rodent colonization of the West Indies
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Jorge Velez-Juarbe Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 07/09/2020

Keywords: Caribbean islands; Caviomorpha; Paleobiogeography; Paleogene; Rodentia


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the fossil teeth of two chinchilloid caviomorph rodents (Borikenomys praecursor and Chinchilloidea gen. et sp. indet.) discovered from lower Oligocene deposits of Puerto Rico, San Sebastian Formation (locality LACM Loc. 8060). These fossils were described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2020), Early Oligocene chinchilloid caviomorphs from Puerto Rico and the initial rodent colonization of the West Indies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 


    Borikenomys praecursor LACM 162447 View specimen


    Right lower m3. This isolated tooth was scanned with a resolution of 6 µm using a μ-CT-scanning station EasyTom 150 / Rx Solutions (Montpellier RIO Imaging, ISE-M, Montpellier, France). AVIZO 7.1 (Visualization Sciences Group) software was used for visualization, segmentation, and 3D rendering. The specimen was prepared within a “labelfield” module of AVIZO, using the segmentation threshold selection tool.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.638   state:published

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    Borikenomys praecursor LACM 162446 View specimen


    Fragment of lower molar (most of the mesial part). This isolated broken tooth was scanned with a resolution of 6 µm using a μ-CT-scanning station EasyTom 150 / Rx Solutions (Montpellier RIO Imaging, ISE-M, Montpellier, France). AVIZO 7.1 (Visualization Sciences Group) software was used for visualization, segmentation, and 3D rendering. The specimen was prepared within a “labelfield” module of AVIZO, using the segmentation threshold selection tool.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.639   state:published

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    indet indet LACM 162448 View specimen


    Fragment of either an upper tooth (mesial laminae) or a lower tooth (distal laminae). The specimen was scanned with a resolution of 6 µm using a μ-CT-scanning station EasyTom 150 / Rx Solutions (Montpellier RIO Imaging, ISE-M, Montpellier, France). AVIZO 7.1 (Visualization Sciences Group) software was used for visualization, segmentation, and 3D rendering. This fragment of tooth was prepared within a “labelfield” module of AVIZO, using the segmentation threshold selection tool.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.640   state:published

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Published in Volume 06, issue 04 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: Niche partitioning of the European carnivorous mammals during the paleogene.
Floréal Solé Logo, Morgane Dubied Logo, Kévin Le Verger Logo and Bastien Mennecart Logo
Published online: 21/01/2019

Keywords: anatomy; France; juvenile; Oligocene; skull


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model analyzed in the following publication: Solé et al. (2018), Niche partitioning of the European carnivorous mammals during the paleogene. Palaios. 


    Hyaenodon leptorhynchus FSL848325 View specimen


    The specimen FSL848325 is separated in two fragments: the anterior part bears the incisors, the deciduous and permanent canines, while the posterior part bears the right P3, P4, M1 and M2. The P2 is isolated. When combined, the cranium length is approximatively 10.5 cm long. The anterior part is 6.9 cm long and 2.15 cm wide (taken at the level of the P1). The posterior part is 4.8 cm long. The anterior part of the cranium is very narrow.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.336   state:published

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Published in Volume 05, issue 01 (2019)

3D models related to the publication: Neotropics provide insights into the emergence of New World monkeys: new dental evidence from the late Oligocene of Peruvian Amazonia
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 13/09/2017

Keywords: Homunculidae; Paleogene; Peru; Soriacebinae; South America


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the isolated teeth of Canaanimico amazonensis, a new stem platyrrhine primate, described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2016), Neotropics provide insights into the emergence of New World monkeys: new dental evidence from the late Oligocene of Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Human Evolution.

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 01 (2017)

S.I. Data
3D models related to the publication: Shape diversity in conodont elements, a quantitative study using 3D topography.
Alexandre Assemat Logo, Ghislain Thiery Logo, Thibaud Lieffroy Logo and Catherine Girard
Published online: 17/01/2024

Keywords: Conodonts; Doolkit; Morphofunction; Scanning resolution; Topography


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Assemat et al. 2023: Shape diversity in conodont elements, a quantitative study using 3D topography. Marine Micropaleontology 184.

    P1 elements represent dental components of the conodont apparatus that perform the final stage of food processing before ingestion. Consequently, quantifying the shape of P1 elements across the topographic indices of different conodont species becomes crucial for deciphering the diversity in feeding behavior within this group. 

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Published in Volume 10, issue 01 (2024)

A photorealistic collection of Homo sapiens crania for research and dissemination
Paolo Lussu Logo and Elisabetta Marini Logo
Published online: 08/04/2020

Keywords: distance learning; Photogrammetry; teaching; validation


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publications:
    - Marini E., Lussu P., 2020. A virtual physical anthropology lab. Teaching in the time of coronavirus, in prep.;
    - Lussu P., Bratzu D., Marini E., 2020. Cloud-based ultra close-range digital photogrammetry: validation of an approach for the effective virtual reconstruction of skeletal remains, in prep. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 02 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: The inner ear of caviomorph rodents: phylogenetic implications and application to extinct West Indian taxa.
Léa Da Cunha Logo, Lázaro W. Viñola López Logo, Ross D. E. MacPhee, Leonardo Kerber Logo, Jorge Velez-Juarbe Logo, Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo, Myriam Boivin Logo, Lionel Hautier Logo, Renaud Lebrun Logo, Laurent Marivaux Logo and Pierre-Henri Fabre Logo
Published online: 31/10/2023

Keywords: fossils; Heptaxodontidae; inner ear; rodents; West Indies


    This contribution contains the three-dimensional models of the inner ear of the hetaxodontid rodents Amblyrhiza, Clidomys and Elasmodontomys from the West Indies. These specimens were analyzed and discussed in : The inner ear of caviomorph rodents: phylogenetic implications and application to extinct West Indian taxa.


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Published in Volume 09, issue 04 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines.
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Renaud Lebrun Logo and Rodolphe Tabuce Logo
Published online: 05/10/2018

Keywords: Africa; Djebelemuridae; Paleogene; Primates; Strepsirhini


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the fossil remains (maxilla, dentary, and talus) attributed to Djebelemur martinezi, a ca. 50 Ma primate from Tunisia (Djebel Chambi), described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2013), Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines. PLoS ONE.  

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Published in Volume 04, issue 03 (2018)

S.I. Data
3D models related to the publication: Comparative anatomy of the bony labyrinth of the bats Platalina genovensium (Phyllostomidae, Lonchophyllinae) and Tomopeas ravus (Molossidae, Tomopeatinae)
Paul M. Velazco Logo and Camille Grohé Logo
Published online: 09/04/2018

Keywords: bony labyrinth; Chiroptera; cochlea


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Velazco P. M., Grohé C. 2017. Comparative anatomy of the bony labyrinth of the bats Platalina genovensium (Phyllostomidae, Lonchophyllinae) and Tomopeas ravus (Molossidae, Tomopeatinae). Biotempo 14(2). 

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Published in Volume 03, Issue 04 (2017)

3D models related to the publication: Morphogenesis of the liver during the human embryonic period
Ayumi Hirose Logo, Takashi Nakashima, Naoto Shiraki, Shigehito Yamada Logo, Chigako Uwabe, Katsumi Kose Logo and Tetsuya Takakuwa Logo
Published online: 17/03/2016

Keywords: human embryo; human liver; magnetic resonance imaging; three-dimensional reconstruction


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in: Hirose, A., Nakashima, T., Yamada, S., Uwabe, C., Kose, K., Takakuwa, T. 2012. Embryonic liver morphology and morphometry by magnetic resonance microscopic imaging.  Anat Rec (Hoboken) 295, 51-59. doi: 10.1002/ar.21496 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 04 (2016)

Skeletogenesis during the late embryonic development of the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes; Neoselachii)
Sébastien Enault, Sylvain Adnet Logo and Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud Logo
Published online: 25/04/2016

Keywords: Chondrichthyes; development; mineralization; Scyliorhinus canicula; skeleton


    Current knowledge on the skeletogenesis of Chondrichthyes is scarce compared with their extant sister group, the bony fishes. Most of the previously described developmental tables in Chondrichthyes have focused on embryonic external morphology only. Due to its small body size and relative simplicity to raise eggs in laboratory conditions, the small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canicula has emerged as a reference species to describe developmental mechanisms in the Chondrichthyes lineage. Here we investigate the dynamic of mineralization in a set of six embryonic specimens using X-ray microtomography and describe the developing units of both the dermal skeleton (teeth and dermal scales) and endoskeleton (vertebral axis). This preliminary data on skeletogenesis in the catshark sets the first bases to a more complete investigation of the skeletal developmental in Chondrichthyes. It should provide comparison points with data known in osteichthyans and could thus be used in the broader context of gnathostome skeletal evolution. 

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Published in Volume 01, Issue 04 (2016)

3D model related to the publication: Sperm whales (Physeteroidea) from the Pisco Formation, Peru, and their trophic role as fat-sources for Late Miocene sharks
Aldo Benites-Palomino Logo, Jorge Velez-Juarbe Logo, Ali Altamirano-Sierra Logo, Alberto Collareta Logo, Jorge D. Carrillo-Briceño Logo and Mario Urbina Logo
Published online: 29/06/2022

Keywords: bite marks; cetaceans; predation; sharks; sperm whales


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in Benites-Palomino A., Velez-Juarbe J., Altamirano-Sierra A., Collareta A., Carrillo-Briceño J., and Urbina M. 2022. Sperm whales (Physeteroidea) from the Pisco Formation, Peru, and their Trophic role as fat-sources for Late Miocene sharks.

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Published in Volume 08, issue 02 (2022)

The endocranial cast of a 10 ka intentionally deformed human cranium from China
Yin Qiyu Logo, Li Qiang Logo, Ma Ming Logo, Zhang Wei Logo and Ni Xijun Logo
Published online: 27/07/2022

Keywords: endocranial cast; intentional cranial deformation; Northeast China


    This contribution contains the 3D model of an endocranial cast analyzed in “A 10 ka intentionally deformed human skull from Northeast Asia”. There are many studies on the morphological characteristics of intentional cranial deformation (ICD), but few related 3D models were published. Here, we present the surface model of an intentionally deformed 10 ka human cranium for further research on ICD practice. The 3D model of the endocranial cast of this ICD cranium was discovered near Harbin City, Province Heilongjiang, Northeast China. The fossil preserved only the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. To complete the endocast model of the specimen, we printed a 3D model and used modeling clay to reconstruct the missing part based on the general form of the modern human endocast morphology.


    Homo sapiens IVPP-PA1616 View specimen


    The frontal region of the endocast is flattened, probably formed by the constant pressure on the frontal bone during growth. There is a well-developed frontal crest on the endocranial surface. The endocast widens posteriorly from the frontal lobe. The widest point of the endocast is at the lateral border of the parietal lobe. The lower parietal areas display a marked lateral expansion. The overall shape of the endocast is asymmetrical, with the left side of the parietal lobe being more laterally expanded than the right side. Like the frontal lobe, the occipital lobe is also anteroposteriorly flattened.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.972   state:published

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    The original endocranial cast model (with texture) of IVPP-PA1616. It shows the original structures of the specimen, and was not altered in any way.

    Type: "3D_surfaces"

    doi: 10.18563/m3.sf.976   state:published

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Published in Volume 08, issue 03 (2022)

3D model related to the publication: A Puma concolor (Carnivora: Felidae) in the Middle-Late Holocene landscapes of the Brazilian Northeast (Bahia): submerged cave deposits and stable isotopes
Leonardo S. Lobo Logo, Leandro D. O. Salles Logo and Carlos R. Moraes Neto Logo
Published online: 09/09/2021

Keywords: Caatinga biome; Carnivora; mammal; Photogrammetry


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D model of a skull analyzed in “A Puma concolor (Carnivora: Felidae) in the Middle-Late Holocene landscapes of the Brazilian Northeast (Bahia): submerged cave deposits and stable isotopes”. The 3D model was generated by photogrammetry. 

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Published in Volume 07, issue 03 (2021)

3D models related to the publication: “Comparative masticatory myology in anteaters and its implications for interpreting morphological convergence in myrmecophagous placentals”
Sérgio Ferreira-Cardoso, Pierre-Henri Fabre Logo, Benoît de Thoisy Logo, Frédéric Delsuc Logo and Lionel Hautier Logo
Published online: 29/07/2020

Keywords: anteaters; Comparative anatomy; convergence; masticatory apparatus; myology; myrmecophagy


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models described in “Comparative masticatory myology in anteaters and its implications for interpreting morphological convergence in myrmecophagous placentals”. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 04 (2020)

3D models related to the publication: Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids.
Amélie Beaudet Logo, Guillaume Fleury, Emmanuel Gilissen, Jean Dumoncel Logo, John F. Thackeray Logo, Laurent Bruxelles Logo, Benjamin Duployer Logo, Christophe Tenailleau Logo, Lunga Bam Logo, Jakobus Hoffman Logo, Frikke De Beer and José Braga Logo
Published online: 10/10/2019

Keywords: bony labyrinth; cercopithecoids; enamel-dentine junction; upper third molars


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models of the enamel-dentine junctions of upper third molars and of the bony labyrinths of the extant cercopithecoid specimens analyzed in the following publication: Beaudet, A., Dumoncel, J., Thackeray, J.F., Bruxelles, L., Duployer, B., Tenailleau, C., Bam, L., Hoffman, J., de Beer, F., Braga, J.: Upper third molar internal structural organization and semicircular canal morphology in Plio-Pleistocene South African cercopithecoids. Journal of Human Evolution 95, 104-120. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 01 (2020)

A 3D reconstruction of the skull of the West Indian Ocean coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae
Luigi Manuelli, Raphael Covain Logo and Lionel Cavin Logo
Published online: 14/09/2023

Keywords: coelacanth; Computed Tomography; Cranial osteology; Latimeria


    We provide a 3D reconstruction of the skull of Latimeria chalumnae that can be easily accessed and visualized for a better understanding of its cranial anatomy. Different skeletal elements are saved as separate PLY files that can be combined to visualize the entire skull or isolated to virtually dissect the skull. We included some guidelines for a fast and easy visualization of the 3D skull. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 03 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera.
Richard Dearden Logo, Anthony Herrel Logo and Alan Pradel Logo
Published online: 18/01/2023

Keywords: chondrichthyan; holocephalan; iniopterygian; Pennsylvanian; suction feeding


    The present 3D Dataset contains 3D models of the cranial, visceral, and pectoral endoskeleton of Iniopera, an iniopterygian stem-group holocephalan from the Pennsylvanian of the USA. These data formed the basis for the analyses carried out in Dearden et al. (2023) “Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera” PNAS. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 01 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata)
Kévin Le Verger Logo, Laureano Gonzalez Ruiz and Guillaume Billet Logo
Published online: 07/04/2023

Keywords: alveolar cavities; canals; cingulata; cranial anatomy; evolutionary scenarios.


    The present 3D Dataset contains the 3D models analyzed in the following publication: Le Verger K., González Ruiz L.R., Billet G. 2021. Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata). Journal of Anatomy 00: 1-30 p. 

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Published in Volume 09, issue 02 (2023)

3D models related to the publication: New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia
Laurent Marivaux Logo, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi Logo and Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo
Published online: 10/07/2020

Keywords: Laventan; Neogene; Paleobiogeography; Peru; Tropical South America


    This contribution contains the 3D models of the fossil teeth of a small-bodied platyrrhine primate, Neosaimiri cf. fieldsi (Cebinae, Cebidae, Platyrrhini) discovered from Laventan deposits (late Middle Miocene) of Peruvian Amazonia, San Martín Department (TAR-31: Tarapoto/Juan Guerra vertebrate fossil-bearing locus n°31). These fossils were described and figured in the following publication: Marivaux et al. (2020), New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Human Evolution. 

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Published in Volume 06, issue 03 (2020)

3D model related to the publication: Small suids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Early Miocene of Turkey and a short overview of Early Miocene small suoids in the Old World.
Maëva J. Orliac Logo, Levent Karadenizli, Pierre-Olivier Antoine Logo and Sevket Sen Logo
Published online: 15/06/2015

Keywords: Ça nkiri-Çorum Basin; Central An atolia; Hyotheriinae; new species; Suidae


    This contribution contains the 3D models described and figured in the following publication: Orliac M.J., Karadenizli L., Antoine P.-O., Sen S. 2015. Small suids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Early Miocene of Turkey and a short overview of Early Miocene small suoids in the Old World. Paleontologia electronica 18(2): 18.2.30A: 1-48. 

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Published in Vol. 01, Issue 02 (2015)


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